Entdecke die faszinierende Welt des Precision Rifle Schießsports und werde Teil einer lebendigen Schützengemeinschaft. Unsere Mannschaft nimmt regelmäßig an internationalen Wettkämpfen teil und vertritt Österreich bei Welt- und Europameisterschaften. Wir freuen uns über dein Interesse.
2022 Austria National Precision Rifle Team
3rd 05/2024 PRS Slovak Republic Series (Open), SVK
3rd 05/2024 PRS Slovak Republic Series (Team), SVK
2nd 03/2024 PRS Slovak Republic Series (Team), SVK
2nd 06/2023 The European PRS Series (Pro), SVK
2nd 06/2023 The European PRS Series (Open), SVK
1st 06/2023 The European PRS Series (308), SVK
2nd 06/2023 The European PRS Series (SA), SVK
2nd 05/2023 The European PRS Series (Open), SVK
2nd 05/2023 The European PRS Series (Open), SVK
2nd 05/2023 The European PRS Series (308), SVK
1st 05/2023 The European PRS Series (SA), SVK
2nd 03/2023 The European PRS Series (Open), SVK
2nd 03/2023 The European PRS Series (SA), SVK
1st 02/2023 The Mountain Challenge (SA), SVK
3rd 02/2023 The Mountain Challenge (Open), SVK
2nd 12/2022 The Winter Classic (Open), SVK
1st 09/2022 The Central European PRS Championships (Team), SVK
1st 09/2022 The Central European PRS Championships (Semi-Auto), SVK
2nd 09/2022 The Central European PRS Championships (Open), SVK
3rd 09/2022 The Central European PRS Championships (Open), SVK
1st 05/2022 Kahles Central European PRS Open (SA), SVK
1st 03/2022 Kahles Central European PRS Open (SA), SVK
2nd 03/2022 Hofschützen ZFG-Cup, AUT
1st 02/2022 The Mountain Challenge 2022 (SA), SVK
3rd 09/2021 Kahles DLRC Finals 2021, ITA
1st 09/2021 Aigen Schlägl Sniper Cup, AUT
1st 08/2021 Kahles RDA Bathory Cup PRS, SVK
1st 06/2021 Kahles RDA Bathory Cup PRS, SVK
1st 06/2021 Kahles RDA Bathory Cup F-Class, SVK
1st 06/2021 NSA Long Range Superstandard 1100m, SVK
3rd 06/2021 NSA Long Range Magnum 1400m, SVK
3rd 06/2021 Kahles DLR-Slovakia, SVK
2nd 09/2020 Kahles RDA-APSS Bathory Cup PRS, SVK
2nd 09/2020 Kahles APSS DLR-League 2020 (overall), SVK
1st 07/2020 Kahles APSS DLR, SVK
2nd 06/2019 NSA Long Range Magnum 1400m, SVK
2nd 05/2019 NSA Long Range Magnum 1400m, SVK
2nd 05/2019 Kahles Tactical, SVK